Student Testimonials

"I loved this training. I appreciated the shared experiences. Kate’s knowledge of the anatomy and the way it was presented was great. Kate is highly educated and it shows in her teaching. Alexa is a great teacher, her presentations were clear and well organized. Debbyis so grounded and solid, she holds the space extremely well, and I very much appreciated her presence in the training. I also appreciated Stephen's presence in the training. He had many helpful insights and tricks that will stay with me in the future. He is very supportive and non-judgemental.”

Divine Structure Student

“I loved that this training taught me about myself and how my system hold onto intense experiences. It gave me an invaluable tool to help develop myself and to help others release themselves from the trauma of their past. I am glad to know more about my own system and how to help others deal with emotional, physical and spiritual blocks. I have grown immensely over the course of the training, and I am now a much calmer and more aware person. I am less stressed, which leaves more room in my life to be happy! This training taught me to stay in my midline, resource, get rid of negativity in my life, and really helped me learn how to respect and maintain my own boundaries.”

Divine Structure Student

“The most useful aspects of the training for me was the relational field, the tides, and anatomy. The training has been life altering and I feel more settled and clear in my own system. It has changed how I relate to all beings and myself. My favorite part was all the love and support, and how we were all accepted in an individualized way.”

Divine Structure Student

"My favorite part about the training was learning a deeper understanding of the relational field, how the body works, and what a person's blueprint is. How imprints happen in our bodies and how to work with them. I loved Kate sharing her personal experience with things she was teaching in the training. I loved that the training included a lot of  information about how experiences prenatally can influence a person's system throughout their life.”

Divine Structure Student

"Alexa is incredibly eloquent and has a beautiful way of describing the work. I loved the balance of her and Kate. It felt like Alexa was long tide and Kate was a mid tide teacher. I loved Debby’s practical experience from her long career as an X-Ray tech supporting surgeries. It was great to have Stephen’s input on verbal skills and how to notice things differently.”

Divine Structure Student

"Words won’t do it. I learned immensely about embodiment, my nervous system, energy flow and rhythm, contact with my blueprint/magic (maybe magic  is my word for blueprint). I received the gift of paying attention to all the beauty, mystery, and possibility that I Am always swimming in. I am learning to let my heart be free, to let it be big, powerful, and attuned. I also learned to let my heartbreak go over the past 2 years; giving permission has opened up a life in a way that is so much more aligned with who I am. I received the gift of the most vibrant, loving, open hearted community. My teachers are all of us and I will treasure this gift forever.  Big love and gratitude!"

Divine Structure Student

"Alexa is a good teacher, very knowledgeable with the topics being taught, the work being done and feeling the tides and relational field. Debby was wonderful, supportive, and funny, warm hearted. Stephen was extremely helpful, and very tunded into the work going on. Extremely caring to the students and teachers.”

Divine Structure Student

"The most useful aspects of the training were nervous system regulation and that the class material is trauma informed. A very good baseline was taught about blueprints and working in the field. I liked Kate’s understanding of trauma in a human system. I also liked Kate’s pace as a teacher. Alexa is spot on. She’s got the material well organized and presentations are clear. Debby was always sweet and supportive, I enjoyed her perspective. Stephen was present and open and I appreciated that.”

Divine Structure Student

“The excellence of the teaching and guidance…Dr. Kate approached us as intelligent, feeling humans and gave us a wealth of information with professionalism, warmth, and humor. This training has redirected my life in almost every way. i will now work to transition from practicing massage therapy to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.”

Divine Structure Student

"I loved Kate’s gentleness, her sense of humor, her outfits, her big, big heart and her tenderness. I love the nerd in Kate and her beautiful ability to see all of our blueprints and to hold them. The training created so much space for me in my life. It really changed everything. I loved Kate’s pauses and her non-judgemental ability to be with people around confusion and disorientation. I loved our TA’s. I loved the treats, the space and the DOGS!”

Divine Structure Student

“I liked the way Dr. Kate taught the work. it was taught in a way that I could digest the work. I liked learning the biodynamic way of doing cranial work. It has deeply affected my already established practice.”

Divine Structure Student

"I loved it, I feel less tuned into the organization of it all, and much more tuned into the field, the love, the wider intention, and impact of the training. It teaches us to return to ourselves, our bones, our hearts, our spirits, and our lineages. It teaches us to be space holders, curious and heart centered therapists.”

Divine Structure Student

"Alexa is gentle, and wise, and brings clarity and expansiveness. She is a long tide teacher; slow and grounded. I loved Debby, sturdiness, humor, realness, sweetness. I so appreciated Debby’s presence and feel lucky I got to have her as a TA. She really saw me and went out fo her way to connect. She made me feel less scattered. She held down a lot of the structure of the training. I felt Stephen’s tender, sensitive being and his influence on the field. He brought so much support and love to the training. It felt healing to have a man exemplifying all of these BCST qualities. His encouragement and belief in my ability to be a BCST therapist has been such a gift.”

Divine Structure Student

How will you use this work? What would you say to someone sitting on the fence about taking the training?

“Practice, Family, Teaching= If for nothing else, do it for personal growth. You will gain something big on a personal level. Just do it. Seriously though, I'd have a talk with them about what they are interested in and if they would actually get anything out of the training.”

Divine Structure Student

"Specifically I really enjoyed working with the relational field as well as the Breath of Life in the body through the tides. The importance of paying attention to my own physical comfort as practitioner and modulating my attention and space during sessions. I loved learning about various systems in the body: the cranial bones, the brain, CSF, all the holds, the spine. I also love learning how to track PEMSER (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, energetic, and relational) aspects.  I loved it all, its useful!”

Divine Structure Student

How will you use this work? What would you say to someone sitting on the fence about taking the training?

“I would tell them yes, it is long and a lot of work, but the time flies by and what you come out with in the end and the knowledge you gained along the way makes it completely worth it. This training will change you for the better and help you in all areas of your life as this work is fundamental.”

Divine Structure Patient

"I appreciated Kate making sure to acknowledge indigenous origins of how we all ended up in a room around this work. I also appreciated the explicit spiritual framework she spoke through. I enjoyed her caring, loving, very knowledgeable and willing to support nature. Overall the training expanded my sense of inner spaciousness and attunement to the blueprint.”

Divine Structure Student

"I got skills and confidence in relational field safety, the inherent treatment plan, and titration. I like the example of Kate as a regulated teacher and a how she held a safe container.”

Divine Structure Student

“I loved Kate’s humor and approachable nature. She emphasizes compassion and respect in her training, which I deeply admire. It has changed my life in many ways, but of most importance it has taught me how to slow down and cultivate self love and self respect. It helped me heal my daily migraines and chronic fatigue. Priceless”

Divine Structure Student

"Alexa is so knowledgeable and elegant in her integration of the work. An elegant combination of air and earth. Stephen was excellent. I enjoyed his perspective and what he added to conversations. Debby was very caring and steady.”

Divine Structure Student